Steve Wedge Counselling

A Personal approach to counselling, led by you.

  Person-Centred Therapy in Hampshire.

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Tel: 07342 796284


My name is Steve,

I hold a diploma in Person-Centred Counselling. I have worked as a volunteer counsellor for two local counselling agencies.

My approach is based upon the Person-Centred model of counselling which
was developed by Carl Rogers. Whilst I passionately believe in this approach I
also believe that one size does not fit all, we are all individuals and I may
occasionally use techniques from another counselling model to suit you as an


I am a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy
( who are my governing body and as such I am bound by their
ethical framework. I am fully insured, DBS checked, attend regular supervision,
and also a member of the Hampshire Association of Counselling and



I attend various workshops focusing on
such things as working with adult transgender clients and suicide so that I can
more fully understand these issues and how they impact upon people and
those close to them.