Steve Wedge Counselling

A Personal approach to counselling, led by you.

  Person-Centred Therapy in Hampshire.

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The pressures of modern life can sometimes be overwhelming as we all go through life’s journey. All sorts of problems and issues can come to the surface affecting our mental health, causing depression and anxiety among other things. These are normal feelings and emotions which we can all experience at some point in our lives, especially when we find ourselves mentally overloaded, stressed and unable to cope. It is ok to feel like this. I can offer you confidential support while you work your way through your problem and emerge as a stronger person, this may be achieved in a relatively short number of sessions (six) or may take many more over a much longer period of time. We are all individuals and our needs are different.

Here at SW Counselling I work with you using a person-centred approach to help you work through your problems through building a trusting and professional relationship in a safe place. By listening and using various counselling skills, we are able to talk through and explore your problems together in a confidential and non-judgemental environment.

Here you will be able to talk freely, openly and feel really listened to, making your own realisations about how you feel, and explore the best way forward for you. I do not try to analyse you or tell you what you should do.